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The ICC Does Indy Do Day!

indydoday-01The ICC’s tag line, “More than just singing,” speaks to the full spectrum of an ICC experience. One such experience that moves beyond the music is ICC’s “Children Helping Children” philanthropic initiative, primarily revolving around service projects and collection drives for organizations and causes serving youth in our community. These projects are designed to broaden the singers’ awareness about the world around them, both locally and globally.

Expanding on that premise and reaching beyond youth serving organizations, the Indianapolis Children’s Choir, along with hundreds of businesses and non- profits, will engage this year in a city-wide day of service known as Indy Do Day. Created as an extension of Eli Lilly and Company’s day of service, Indy Do Day is a people-powered community partnership where citizens of Indianapolis and beyond get to know their neighbors, take ownership of neighborhoods and take care of each other. Simply find a need in your neighborhood or with your favorite charity, and go serve! The investment can be one hour or several hours. The idea is to DO something!  

This year Indy DO day spans three days, from October 2nd – 4th, and is being led by the Rotary Club of Indianapolis and Co-Chaired by Rotarian Ramona Adams of RJE Business Interiors and ICC’s very own Executive Director and fellow Rotarian, Don Steffy!

Visit to discover how you, your business, or a favorite non-profit can participate and help make a difference.

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