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ICC's Indianapolis Community Outreach Through Song

The ICC’s outreach efforts directly reflect our vision to bridge across cultures, ethnicities, and economic backgrounds to bring choral music to all children. Through this commitment to serving the entire central Indiana community, the musical excellence of the ICC is available through many outreach initiatives.

The ICC’s Community Outreach programs include:

  • Financial Assistance Program
  • Music At Play
  • Preschool Outreach Program (POP!)
  • Young Exceptional Singers (YES!) program
  • Foundations Boost Camps
  • Neighborhood Choir Academy
  • Music Education Enrichment Programs for Teachers

Financial Assistance Program

Financial assistance directly helps families by reducing costs so that their economic situation is not a barrier to participation in ICC programs. Assistance is available for costs associated with choir tuition, summer camp registration, and other ICC events and programs. Based on need, eligible families may have up to 85% of tuition expenses relieved.

Music At Play (MAP) in Schools and Communities 

MAP is an ICC-developed curriculum that introduces preschool children to music in a playful environment, establishing an important foundation for growing a love and appreciation for music. By offering this program through diverse locations like schools, churches, and community agencies, the ICC is able to bring music to many more children at this important developmental age.

POP! is a reoccurring, one day event designed specifically for preschool-age children as they take their first steps in their musical journey. POP! events are held throughout the community.

Created for singers in grades 1-3, YES! allows children to experience the artistry of the ICC in one fun-filled day that concludes with a performance. Held at locations across central Indiana, these events come at a small fee for singers to increase access to the leadership, choral instruction, and friendship that the ICC offers.

Get a one-day glimpse into ICC’s choir for kindergarteners while strengthening essential academic, social, and developmental concepts at each point in your child’s kindergarten year as you reach important milestones!

This after-school program extends the reach and impact of the ICC by partnering ICC artistic staff with school music departments to deliver carefully designed choral instruction. Because rehearsals take place at the participants’ school, this allows the ICC to reach children in their own neighborhoods and reduces transportation as a barrier. NCA students participate in ICC concert performances and are encouraged to join the ICC.

Teacher Resources & Programs

As part of the ICC’s ongoing efforts to support local school music teachers, we offer resources and programs such as the Music Education Enrichment Programs for educators. The ICC works collaboratively with schools to provide a variety of school workshops which are available free of charge, all taught by an ICC director or a special guest clinician!  In the past, the ICC has visited schools to do workshops on drumming, folk dances, xylophones, choral music, or even work with a school choir on their own repertoire.

Interested in one of our ICC Community Outreach Programs? Please fill out the form below and an ICC staff member will be in contact with you soon.

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