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Overnight Retreat on August 21st through August 23rd

It is almost time for retreat! This retreat will be held at both Butler University and the Camp Camby Conference & Retreat Center located just outside the south edge of Indianapolis in Camby, Indiana.

If you have not registered for the 2015-2016 choir season, please do so as soon as possible. ICC staff access your singer’s medical information and food allergies based on your CA or BC choir registration.

We will report any dietary issues based on the completed registration forms. It is also important that we have a medical release for your singer and a parent or guardian’s emergency contact information prior to retreat.

Click here for a flyer about the retreat.

If you have a school conflict or are out of town, you must notify the ICC office by Monday, August 10th at 5pm or the retreat fee will be added to your account balance. This deadline is due to a camp requirement regarding attendance numbers.

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