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Can Children Be Professional?

Jilliane JaegerICC/IYC Alumna, 1994-1998

One of the most remarkable and long-lasting impacts on my life gained through my ICC/IYC experience is discipline and professionalism.

Coming to rehearsals on time, prepared, and ready to focus for 1-2 hours was the expectation of the organization. Practicing pieces at home in preparation for rehearsal or a performance was also expected. Arriving at concert venues well-kept and ready to perform was another expectation.

We were taught that how we looked and acted was not only a reflection on us as individuals but also a reflection on the organization. All of these fundamental ICC/IYC values have stayed with me all of these years and have served me well in many facets of my life: my undergraduate education, law school, the Army when I served on active duty as a Judge Advocate, in my current role as an attorney-advisor for the General Services Administration, and as a parent.

Participating in the ICC has taught me that my role in any organization is about more than just me. Learning at a young age that success is largely a product of consistent and focused hard work was an invaluable lesson. Knowing that when I come to a rehearsal, performance, class, interview, or work meeting unprepared, I hurt not only my success, but the success of the collective.

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