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How did I get so Lucky…

This picture from “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” says how I am feeling today! My heart is bursting with joy and pride from our rehearsal last night! THANK YOU for all your hard work to bring the group this far. However, we are not done yet… Here are your notes for Monday!

  • Gaudete- MEMORIZE verse 1 on page 4. Then get everything else MEMORIZED!
  • Star of Bethlehem- Review measure 46 – 49 and then measure 66 – 73.
  • Gloria Fanfare- clean pages 7 and 8 and have ALL MEMORIZED!
  • Jubilate Deo- Clean pages 5 and 6
  • While Shepherds Watched- clean pages 10 and 11! This is going to be AMAZING!!
  • Ding Dong- Quick review
  • Stars- Do the best you can on this and clean it!
  • Leise Reisel- TEXT, TEXT, TEXT!

The following piece, please do a quick review of words and notes to make sure they are ready to go!

  • Night of Silence
  • Bring a Torch
  • Panis Angelicus
  • Hine Ma Tov
  • Silver Bells
  • Arurru
  • Donkey Carol
  • There is Faint Music
  • Angels We Have Heard on High

Focus on what you don’t know! I would continue to focus on Gloria, Jubilate, and Gaudete. Then work on O Holy Night, Leise Reiselt, and anything else you still need to do.

Again, thank you for all your hard work! I am so proud! Don’t forget to bring your donation to Lutherwood on Monday and if you have a can good to share with one of our directors, I will have a box for that as well.

Have a wonderful weekend and take time to stop from all the hustle of this busy time and reflect on the true meaning of the season and why we sing!


Mr. Pedde

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