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Sing We Now of Christmas…

Hello BC!

Well, our final week has come… Are you ready? As you do final preparations for the CSO this weekend and Angels Sing next week, please work on the following things…

First, remember to look visually interesting. Don’t bob your head!! But rather, smile and look like you are enjoying what you are singing.

Second, when you are on stage, you are quiet (which you did well last night!!) and you do not move. Keep your hands at your side, don’t play with your hair, etc…

Third, know the music and if there is a mistake, no one will know if you don’t act like there is one.

Musically, please work on the following:

  • Gaudete- MEMORIZE verse 1 on page 4. Then get everything else MEMORIZED!
  • Star of Bethlehem- Review measure 66 – 73. You stopped singing…
  • Gloria Fanfare- clean pages 7 and 8 and have ALL MEMORIZED!
  • Jubilate Deo- Quick review of text!
  • While Shepherds Watched- clean pages 7,10 and 11! Remember NOT to scoop!
  • Ding Dong- Quick review
  • Stars- MEMORIZED
  • Leise Reisel- TEXT, TEXT, TEXT!

The following piece, please do a quick review of words and notes to make sure they are ready to go!

  • Night of Silence
  • Bring a Torch
  • Panis Angelicus
  • Hine Ma Tov
  • Silver Bells
  • Arurru
  • Donkey Carol
  • There is Faint Music
  • Angels We Have Heard on High

Ladies and Gentleman, there is something special that happens this time of year. There is a spirit in the air and we get to share in that feeling every time we perform! Let’s share our joy with all of these people!

Here are a few pictures from last night for you!

See you soon!

Mr. Pedde

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