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What a Monday!

Hello BC Singers!

WOW! What a rehearsal! I can’t stop thinking about the way you sang “There is Faint Music.” It was AMAZING!! That is exactly what we are looking for in all the music we are singing at Music of the Night. We need to find that tone!!

On Wednesday we will again run the program… ARE YOU READY??

Here are some notes for you.

Pie Jesu: Quick Review

Adiemus: Quick Review

Birch Tree: Clean the text. It must be clean, clear, and exact!

Night: Please clean page 11!

Song of the Stars: Review the entire piece. Know what happens when!

O Fortuna: Review entire song! We really failed at the ending…

Music of the Night: Quick review

There is Fain Music: If you have this piece, please review your part.

Arruru: Memorized

Hine ma tov: Memorized

Nigh of Silence: Memorized

Gaudete: Review page 1

I will have a sign up sheet for Light the Night walk. Please be ready to let me know if you can come.

If I have not told you lately, I am so proud to be your director! You are amazing! However, we have to transfer that from our rehearsal to the stage. You will blow the audience away at Music of the Night if you sing from the heart like you did last night.

See you tomorrow!

Mr. Pedde

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