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Keep Calm and Keep Moving

Hello BC and BC Families!

What a wonderful week of rehearsals. We made great progress and I am very pleased with where we are. Now we just need to keep that momentum moving forward. Now we begin to move from learning notes to memorization and fine tuning the pieces to make incredible music!

For next week please have the following ready:

Star Spangled Banner- Memorized

Zion’s Walls- B’s continue to review your part. Memorized

How Deep is the Ocean- Continue to work on your part and practice a cappella. Memorized

Thoroughly Modern Millie- Work all transitions. Memorize

What a Wonderful World- Clean pages 6 – 8 and work on Memorization

Chicago- Clean pages 8 through 12. Memorize

Another Op-nin, Someone to Watch, Clap Yo Hands- Memorize

Carmena- Work on your part. They are not hard, but they must be accurate.

Next week we will dig in and clean. Be ready to not use music… Let the fun begin!!

Have a great weekend!

Mr. Pedde

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