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Details Updated for ICC Night with the Indy Fuel

Name of Concert: ICC Night with the Indy Fuel

Location: Indiana Farmers Coliseum at the Indiana State Fairgrounds
1202 East 38th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46205

Drop-Off / Pick-Up: Lobby off of main drive
From the Indy Fuel: “Parents that will be dropping off their children for the performance will simply need to tell the parking lot gate attendants that they are doing so. This can take place at Gate 1 (38th street) or Gate 6 (Fall Creek Blvd).”

Choirs Performing: Bel Canto

Performance Date: Wednesday, April 8th, 2015

Uniform: Casual Uniform
Blue ICC polo, black uniform pants, black socks, black belt (optional), black shoes

Call Time: 5:00 pm
Sound check is at 5:15pm, please do not be late.

Performance Time: 7:05 pm

Updated Dismissal Time: 8:15 pm (estimated)

Special Instructions: Singers who stay to watch the game must have a parent or guardian in attendance. All singers who do not have a parent or guardian will be dimissed following the conclusion of their performance in the first intermission.

If ICC parents and families are interested in staying you may purchase discounted tickets. Click here for a link with a discounted ticket rate.

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