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Auditioned Choirs

Beginning Level Choirs:

The Beginning Level Choirs (BLCs) meet once per week at locations across central Indiana. Beginning-level singers are generally in grades 4 – 7 and have demonstrated the ability to sing in tune and a readiness to develop sight-reading and harmonic skills. Learn more and see Beginning Level Choir locations here.

Intermediate Choirs:

Lyric Choirs include students who exhibit a strong desire to sing and have demonstrated intermediate proficiency in vocal technique and sight-reading abilities. There are two Lyric Choirs at the ICC Performing Arts Center at 9111 Allisonville Road in Indianapolis and one Lyric Choir in Hendricks County in Brownsburg. Learn more about Lyric Choirs here.

Advanced Choirs:

Indy Voice includes those students who have demonstrated a high degree of vocal and sight-singing ability. There are two rehearsal options for this choir at the ICC Performing Arts Center at 9111 Allisonville Road in Indianapolis. Learn more about Indy Voice here.

Anderson Area Children’s Choir:

The Anderson Area Children’s Choir (AACC) also serves children in grades 4 – 12 who are placed by ability (and age) in either Concert Choir or Youth Chorale. Amy Hughley and Lauren Southard direct these programs with rehearsals taking place in Anderson, Indiana. AACC is an affiliate of the Indianapolis Children’s Choir.

Columbus Indiana Children’s Choir:

The Columbus Indiana Children’s Choir (CICC) also serves children in grades 4 – 9 with two regional choirs. Singers are placed by ability in either Descant or Concert Choir. Melissa Garcia directs this program with rehearsals taking place in Columbus, Indiana. CICC is a cooperative effort of the Indianapolis Children’s Choir and the Columbus Indiana Philharmonic.

Enrolling in Choir for Grades 4 - 12

Auditions for Choirs:

Schedule your audition below- no preparation is required!

Singers in grades 4 through 12 are placed in a choir based on their ability and experience.  A simple vocal audition (no preparation required) will determine the best fit for your singer so that they can learn, grow, and have fun while being a part of the ICC.

You can find a helpful video about auditioning here.

Scheduling your audition is as easy as completing the form below and hitting the submit button or by calling us at 317-940-9640. Someone from our office will be in contact with open times available for an audition.

Sign Up Today To Schedule Your Audition!

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