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A Message from Mrs. Hughley

Dear BV Families,

We had a wonderful rehearsal yesterday. The girls should be practicing their music at home, since we have a performance on December 5 at the Capitol.

Please read these five important notes:

  1. Upcoming performances:
  2. Tour: Chaperones, please turn in those applications as soon as possible! Remember to renew or apply for your passports now to avoid the backlog of the new year.
  3. Auditions: For those interested in auditioning for our many BV solos, your final opportunity is this Sunday, November 29 during rehearsal break.
  4. Our next extended rehearsal opportunity will be on December 6 from 4:40 to 5:30. Please plan to attend if at all possible: you will receive a make up credit as well as more rehearsal time on all our tutti pieces.
  5. Rehearsal Absences: It is always best to fill out an approved absence form in advance. If this is not possible, please make certain you contact Michelle Jarvis BEFORE the missed rehearsal.

I am so very grateful to lead all of these remarkable young women, and I hope you all have a happy, healthy Thanksgiving.

Amy Hughley

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