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A Message from Mrs. Hughley

Dear BV Families,
We had a fun and productive rehearsal on Sunday. Here are 7 quick and important notes:

  1. Absences: Please communicate all absences in advance to Michelle Jarvis (text to 317.409.7070). Otherwise your absence will be considered unexcused and must be made up. A student may attend a CA rehearsal (Monday or Wednesday evenings) as a make up, or check with Mrs. Hughley as to other approved make up opportunities.
  2. Tardies: Plan to arrive a few minutes early to all rehearsals so that you are not tardy. If you know you must be tardy in advance, please contact Michelle as well so that we can excuse the tardy.
  3. Tour: Our tour is an amazing and unparalleled opportunity, and there are so many chances this year for you to raise money for this all-inclusive event. Try to get your commitment forms in by October 1.
  4. Soliciting ads: You will want to take advantage of this easy way to make tour fund money! Please use the attached ad fundraising packet to solicit ads from companies. You only have until October 9 to do this, so now is the time! Here’s a link to the packet.
  5. Food drive: Indy Do Day is the weekend of October 1. In order for BV to “Do” for our community, we are having a food drive (canned or packaged) on Sunday, October 4. It is a competition between sections! Bring in your food items beginning next Sunday.
  6. Recordings: I will post recordings online for the girls to practice with at home. They should all be up by Thursday.
  7. Snacks! We are beginning a snack rotation for our girls, as the 3pm hour on Sundays proves to be sluggish. We have the next few weeks covered: Nudi – September 27, Renner – October 4, Hughley – October 11. Please email me if you would like to cover a particular week this fall. No chocolate or nuts, please – we have allergies.

That’s it for now! Have a wonderful week.

Mrs. Hughley

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