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Dear BV families,

Our big week has arrived, and I am so excited for the time we have together to make fantastic music!
Below are some important reminders for the week, as well as some items for future planning.

  1. I realize it is a very hectic week with finals preparation. First and foremost, encourage your daughters to take care of themselves! We should have some free time while we wait on Wednesday and Thursday, so have the girls feel free to bring textbooks for studying.
  2. Please look carefully at the detail sheets posted online (there are 4 separate sheets, one for each day) as well as the BV performance guidelines that explain dress code. In order for us to look uniform and professional, we must follow these performance dress code guidelines every day, including Wednesday for our group photos. In addition, call times vary from day to day, so please look carefully.
  3. Several of the girls have volunteered to bring snacks on Wednesday or Thursday. I will send individual emails to those parents as a reminder. If you would like to bring something and your daughter did not sign up, please email Melissa Speer to notify her.

Now for some upcoming events and opportunities:

  1. Southeastern Tour: We only need a few more girls to sign up for this tour to happen! Please consider this amazing opportunity for your daughter this summer. ICC will have FOUR tour fundraisers next semester to help offset funds. I really want to see this opportunity happen for our wonderful singers.
  2. Parent meeting: Sunday, January 18th from 4:30 to 5:00. I will be sharing upcoming dates and information for the spring semester, as well as showing all parents how to maneuver the ICC calendar in order to keep your calendar current.
  3. ICC Innovations: Looking for an educational gift for your daughter? ICC is offering two amazing master classes next semester just for BV and IYV singers. Space is limited. One is an eight week vocal master class limited to ten students, the other is an ISSMA prep workshop for Solo and Ensemble. Just email me for more information: [email protected]. You can also get an overview of the classes at (Scroll to bottom of page)

Mrs. Hughley

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