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Dear BV Parents,

Thanks to all of you for attending the brief parent meeting on Sunday. If you were unable to attend, you can download the meeting agenda on the BV page.

I have one major correction: The date of our Hear Our Song concert in May is Sunday, May 17, rather than Saturday.

As discussed, here is the link to an informational powerpoint that includes a step by step process to link the BV calendar to your mobile device, so that you may sync your calendar and be immediately aware of any newly added dates:

You also have the option of habitually checking the BV calendar at the bottom of the BV page instead.

I will be handing out service project forms this week as well, also posted on the BV webpage. Our winter service project is on Sunday, February 22nd from 5 to 7pm at the home of Madeline Hudson. We will be making blankets for women and children in need. We will also be “singing as we sew”, and the girls have the option of asking for donations from family and friends toward their Chicago tour, April 24-26.

Chicago tour handouts are coming soon! We are excited for this new tour opportunity, since not enough girls were able to commit to the summer tour.

We had a wonderful rehearsal, and I am exciting for our upcoming concert at the Hilbert Circle Theater! Please encourage the girls to practice their individual parts online at least 3 days per week. We are learning a beautiful but difficult a cappella piece.

There are still some slots available for conducting classes on Monday evenings at Butler with Mr. Leck, beginning January 26. Email me to register!

Have a great week,
Mrs Hughley

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