Penny Dimmick
Rehearsal Location:
Lilly Hall, Butler University
4600 Sunset Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46208
View Map
Regular Rehearsal Times:
Mondays, 5:30 – 6:30 pm
Room 133
Rehearsals Begin:
September 11, 2023

- Financial Assistance Request
- 2023-2024 Singer Handbook
- ICC Patch Program Guidelines
- Uniform Details: ICC Prep Choir t-shirt (provided by the ICC), nice full-length jeans without holes or embellishments, and nice, clean sneakers. Any long hair should be pulled back out of the singer’s face so they can be seen on stage.
Chorus Connection: ICC's place to access Choir Information & Calendars!
You will receive access to Chorus Connection, the ICC’s new choir software, at the start of the 2023-2024 Season. If you have trouble logging in, contact Paul Schafer in the ICC Office at [email protected]. Please note that if your singer is not registered for choir for this season, that you will not have access to Chorus Connection. Chorus Connection will be the place for singers and families to access their choir calendar, wordsheets, recordings, the choir directory, forms, etc.
Remind: ICC's Texting Service - Sign Up Today!
The ICC will now offer an optional way to get timely text messages in regards to your child’s choir. Please text @icc-prep to 81010 or visit this link to sign up.
Resources for Parents & Families:
Watch the Virtual Parent Meeting below for great information to help you prepare for the season. Additionally, the ICC will host in-person parent meetings at the start of the season. More information will be available soon about those meetings.
Financial Assistance
The ICC is proud to offer financial assistance to help children have access to our quality music education experiences. To apply for financial assistance for your singer(s), carefully complete, sign, and return this application to the choir office by August 31, 2022. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Late applications may not be accepted. Applications for singers with outstanding fees will not be considered.