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Will we be ready?

Hello BC!

What a Monday! Who would have know that by mixing parts, How Deep is the Ocean would be sooo amazing! BRAVO!!

So for Wednesday, PLEASE work on the following:

Zion’s Walls: B’s again work on page 6 through 9. MEMORIZED

How Deep is the Ocean: Continue to clean Page 3 starting at B. Really work measures 28 through 36 and begin to memorize.

Thoroughly Modern Millie:Again work page 10 through the end especially page 12 and 13. Don’t forget to review the beginning!!

What a Wonderful World: PRINT THIS OFF AND PUT IN BINDER!! Work page 5 to the end.

Chicago: Again, work page 8 measure 41 through page 11 measure 57.

Summertime: PRINT THIS OFF and review your part. Be ready to sing on Monday with your printed score.

Clap yo’ hands: Review entire song.

I invite you to go and watch some of Renee Fleming’s video’s on Youtube! She is amazing and you can always learn by watching amazing professionals!

See you on Wednesday!

Mr. Pedde

Around here, we don't look backwards for very long...We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things because we're curious...and curosity keeps leading us down new paths.  ~Walt Disney

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