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Tickets & Concerts

Welcome to the Indianapolis Children’s Choir’s 2022 – 2023 Concert Season! We are excited to share our performances with you and we are grateful to all of our supporters who help us to build a stronger community by giving a voice to children as they share their artistry and make our city a better place.

This season, we invite you to view the world through a new lens as we look back in time and examine how boundaries were pushed and positive changes were made throughout history as we look towards a brighter tomorrow. The ICC will showcase the voices of our singers as the hope for the future as they inspire us to look at the world through their eyes with fresh perspectives.

Each concert will offer opportunities for our singers and the audience to experience different world cultures which will broaden perspectives and spark innovation. This Concert Season will inspire each of us to think, feel, respond, and make positive changes in our lives, our community, and the world.

We look forward to sharing each concert with you as we unite voices from around our community to celebrate what connects us all – music.

Join the ICC for Journey, our first concert of the season as our singers share through song how new ideas play a vital role in seeking change as we honor the past and celebrate the future. As we move through life, we make progress by learning, discovering, and exploring new ideas by experiencing the wonders of life. As we grow, we make the world a better place. Join the ICC as we take you on a musical Journey.

Concert Location:
STAR Bank Performing Arts Center
1000 Mulberry Street
Zionsville, IN 46077

7:00 pm: Beginning Level Choirs, Chamber, Lyric, Kantorei, Indy Voice 1, Indy Voice 2, and Master Chorale

Advanced Ticket Sales will end on October 6 at 5:00 pm. Tickets will be available at the door starting at 5:30 pm on October 8. 

One of the city’s greatest traditions is the ICC’s holiday concerts. Join us for Gloria as our choirs share stories of joy. The holiday season is one of great beauty and splendor as you look around our city. Gloria brings that magic to you through the unique sound and music of the youth of Indianapolis. It is a time when we come together for joyful traditions and to celebrate the wonders of the season.

Concert Location:

Second Presbyterian Church
7700 North Meridian Street
Indianapolis, IN 46260


  • Angels Sing: GloriaDecember 16, 2022, at 7:00 pm featuring Indy Voice 1, Indy Voice 2, and Master Chorale
  • Celebrate the Season: GloriaDecember 17, 2022, at 3:00 pm featuring the Neighborhood Choir Academy, Foundations Choir, Preparatory Choirs, Jubilate Choir, Beginning Level Choirs, and Master Chorale — SOLD OUT!!! 
  • Angels Sing: GloriaDecember 17, 2022, at 7:00 pm featuring Indy Voice 1, Indy Voice 2, and Master Chorale
  • Sounds of the Season: GloriaDecember 18, 2022, at 4:00 pm featuring Chamber, Lyric, Kantorei, Indy Voice 1, Indy Voice 2, and the Alumni Choir

Join the ICC for Drop as we welcome spring and explore how water is one of the most powerful forces in the world. Just one drop of water contains the essence of the sea and inside every person is the essence of all humanity. Water means different things to different cultures, and The Drop That Contained the Sea is inspired by water in the many forms it takes — melting snow, mountain streams, rivers, the ocean, and then beginning again. As the song flows, so does the exploration of different world languages and cultures that revolve around water.

Concert Location:
Hilbert Circle Theatre
45 Monument Circle
Indianapolis, IN 46204

3:00 pm: Beginning Level Choirs, Chamber, Lyric, and Kantorei
7:00 pm: Indy Voice 1, Indy Voice 2, and Master Chorale

Music teaches, heals, and unifies us as a community. Join the ICC for a special performance of Unity as singers showcase how music connects us all. We are excited to welcome the Director’s Jazz Orchestra and the full ICC family of choirs, as our singers share their message of hope and joy.

Concert Location:
St. Luke’s United Methodist Church
100 West 86th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46260

3:00 pm: Neighborhood Choir Academy, Foundations Choir, AACC Preparatory Choir, ICC Preparatory Choirs, Jubilate Choir, Beginning Level Choirs, CICC Descant, AACC Concert Choir, CICC Concert Choir, Chamber, Lyric, Kantorei, Indy Voice 1, and Indy Voice 2

Ticket Information: Advance online ticket sales end on Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 5:00 pm. If the concert does not sell out, additional tickets will be available at the door starting 60 minutes prior to the concert.

House doors will open 30 minutes prior to the concert for attendees to be seated for the performance.

The ICC’s Master Chorale joins the Anderson Area Youth Chorale to present two uplifting major choral works accompanied by an orchestra. Vincent Persichetti’s Celebrations sets Walt Whitman’s poetry to music as it explores the resilience and optimism of the human spirit. Leonard Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms is an exciting composition based on text from the Hebrew Psalms. This concert also honors our graduating seniors as the choir dedicates and performs some of their favorite choral pieces to celebrate the fun, friendships, and experiences that the ICC offers its singers over the years.

Concert Location:
Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation
6501 North Meridian Street
Indianapolis, IN 46260

4:00 pm: ICC’s Master Chorale and Anderson Area Youth Chorale


Advanced ticket sales will end on May 18, 2023, at 5:00 pm. Tickets will be available to purchase at the door (pending availability) starting at 3:00 pm on the day of the concert.

The ICC’s Choral Fest: Imagine concert features campers from our Summer Music Camp on stage for the very first time. Our season closes as we began, looking forward to the future and demonstrating how to turn ideas into transformative actions. We Imagine what is achievable as we explore new possibilities, do new things, continue to tell our story and, by doing so, make the world and our own community a better place.

Concert Location:
Cornerstone Lutheran Church – Carmel

11:45 am: Imagine Campers

Cost: $5 per person. Children 5 and under are free. Tickets will be available at the door 60 minutes prior to the concert. Doors will open 30 minutes prior to the concert.

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