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Sweet Melodies Concert Features Gospel Choirs From Eastern Star

Sweet Melodies Concert Features Gospel Choirs From Eastern Star

townsend213245-01by Sean Kissane, Indianapolis Children’s Choir Marketing and Communications Coordinator

Get ready, ICC fans. This year’s Sweet Melodies concert will truly be something special.

For this concert – which is one of the season openers – the ICC is teaming up with Dr. Robert Townsend and Eastern Star Church to create a gospel experience like nothing the ICC has ever done before. The concert will be on Sunday, November 9, at 6 p.m., at Eastern Star Church’s Northwest Campus. Sweet Melodies will feature the ICC’s most advanced choirs, as well as guest singers from Eastern Star’s own youth and teen choirs.

The theme of Sweet Melodies this year is gospel, “one of the few true American art forms,” as Dr. Townsend says. In addition to being an incredibly fun style, “there are specific performance practices associated with [gospel] music just as there are with any music (Classical, Romantic, Jazz, Pop, etc.),” says Dr. Townsend, and that’s why it’s important for young singers to learn about it.

The ICC is incredibly excited to partner with Eastern Star. Dr. Townsend – who works with Eastern Star’s youth choir, and is a faculty member at Indiana Wesleyan University – is a longtime friend of the ICC. He is a former member of the ICC artistic staff and, as a public school music educator, has been a huge advocate for participation in the choir.

Dr. Townsend is also excited about the union. “My belief is that it is always great to work with other groups,” he says. “I believe this collaboration has the potential for growth for all who participate, not only musically (learning various types of music and performance styles), but also socially. When interaction occurs among people from various backgrounds, there is an opportunity for sharing. Music offers this opportunity, as there is a common ground.”

Surely the bond between the ICC and Eastern Star Church will continue to grow stronger beyond this year’s Sweet Melodies. This will be a concert that won’t be forgotten, and should definitely not be missed.

Advance tickets are on sale now!


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