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Choral Fest Impacted Her Life

Choral Fest Impacted Her Life

savannahChoral Fest Impacted Her Life

ICC alum Savannah Wilde recalls her first Choral Festival and the impact it has had on her life.

Twelve summers ago, I attended choral festival, and began my Indianapolis Children’s Choir experience.  I remember being very nervous, but excited at the same time! At the end of the week I felt extremely accomplished, because I had learned, memorized, and sung several songs in one week!  I loved the dynamic personalities of the ICC staff. They made me feel very welcome during choral festival, so the next year I joined ICC.

ICC was one of the best experiences I have had. I had the opportunity to travel around the world, perform at the American Choral Directors Association Conference, and Mr. Pedde’s wedding. During my eight years in ICC, I volunteered several times at choral festival. Volunteering at Choral Festival is how I met my best friend, who I still talk to every day!  Being in the ICC builds strong, lifelong friendships. It also builds a strong love for music. This fall I am starting my first job as a K-8 music teacher. My ICC experiences prepared me very well for studying music in college, and being a music educator. Without the ICC directors, I probably would not be a music educator today.

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