Regional Chapter Updates
Regional Chapters Across the Country
Josh Huff-Williams, the RCP of New York/Philadelphia, held a gathering in NYC earlier this spring. “It was so fun and–by my measure–a success! We talked a bit about things we’d want to do going forward, like a picnic-style gathering in Central Park as well as a Colts viewing party once football revs back up.”
If you live nearby, contact Josh!
In Boston/the Northeast, SarahEmily Lekberg is busy making connections with the music community. In June, SarahEmily joined in St. Paul’s Lutheran Church choir in their first performance of a major work. The sang Vivaldi’s Gloria in collaboration with Baroque ensemble Incendium Novum, it was an excellent introduction to larger works for choir and orchestra. Elise Vreede, President of the ICCAA and Boston transplant for the summer, also participated. “This experience not only brought together two ICC singers who had never performed together, aside from the moving funeral for Cheryl West and this year’s ICC alumni choir, but also re-connected Vreede with her former St. Olaf assistant director, Kira Winter, who conducted the program. It was such a wonderful time of re-connection and making music.” In addition, SarahEmily is meeting with alumni in the area one-on-one. Each meeting has been a success, with lots of ideas for their chapter and happy strolls down memory lane.
If you live nearby, contact SarahEmily!
Allissa Battocletti, RCP of Texas & the South, would love to see where alumni have settled so she can better represent your needs. Reach out to her by emailing with subject line “ICCAA Southern Chapter” and tell her about yourself!
Joey Hewett, RCP of the West Coast, wants to hear more about you! If you live west of the Rockies, please get in touch with Joey and tell her all about yourself and what you hope to see from the ICCAA. You can reach her by emailing
The ICCAA is still looking for Chicago and Rockies Regional Chapter Presidents! If you would like to know more or are interested in becoming an RCP for an aforementioned area, please reach out to ICCAA President Elise Vreede at with subject line “ICCAA RCP Position” and let her know the area you’re interested in representing.