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Final Chance Sunday to Drop Off Dresses with Sizing Issues

We will be meeting with the dress company Monday morning regarding both the bodice size and skirt length issues with new IYC dresses. If your singer ordered a dress this year and is having issues with the sizing, the last day to bring them to the ICC office to have the dress company fix them will be this Sunday, November 16th during regular rehearsal.We will take all dresses brought to the ICC office (up until Sunday) to the company to be examined and fixed on Monday morning.

The dresses take almost a month to make, so it is important to get them in to the dress company as soon as possible so they are back before the December 5th performances. Currently there is not an estimated alteration time. We will send more information regarding this once it is available.

We appreciate your patience as we work through the dress issues this year. If you have any questions, please email Brian Oakley.

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