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Bella Voce 12-07-15 Update

Dear BV Families,

The girls performed very well at the Statehouse on Saturday, and we also had a fun, productive rehearsal yesterday. It’s hard to believe there is only one more Sunday rehearsal this year!

Please read all five important notes below:

  • This Sunday, December 13, Bella Voce rehearsal is from 2 to 5 pm. All girls must stay until 5 unless Mrs. Hughley knows about an unavoidable early dismissal in advance. If singers want to receive a make up credit, they may stay from just 5:10  to 5:40 for extended rehearsal.
  • Encourage your singer to work on all of our BV and tutti pieces at home. Recordings are online on the BV webpage, and I will be adding a few more this week:

  • We are holding a winter gift exchange for our mentors and mentees during our Angels Sing rehearsals. Singers may not spend more than $15 total. If a singer has a financial issue and is unable to provide gifts, please see Mrs. Hughley privately. Mentors give their gifts to mentees, and mentees to mentors. Singers can take copies of their mentor’s or mentee’s interest forms at rehearsal. Singers may exchange gifts during break at the Wednesday rehearsal, December 13, and/or the Saturday performance on December 19. Students may purchase one or two gifts for their mentors.
  • We are collecting warm weather clothing to donate to needy Indianapolis families. Continue bringing in new or clean, gently used coats, hats, gloves, scarves and other winter clothes this Sunday, December 13.
  • Angels Sing is around the corner! We need parents to bring snacks for Wednesday,Thursday and Friday evenings, since many girls will not be able to eat prior to attending. We need nut free granola bars and breakfast bars, pretzels, cheese crackers, and water bottles. Please text or email Michelle Jarvis if you can donate snacks on one of these days:  409.7070 or

Please look at our webpage for the  calendar and detail sheets for December 16, 17, 18 and 19:

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