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Amy Hughley Takes On New Responsibilities

Amy Hughley Takes On New Responsibilities

ahughleyAmy Hughley Takes On New Responsibilities

Amy Hughley discusses her new position as Regional Program Coordinator

When Joshua Pedde asked me to serve as Regional Program Coordinator last spring, I was excited for the opportunity but had limited understanding about my position at first. Over the past several months, I’ve learned a great deal about the many facets of the ICC’s regional programs. The regional directors are such an incredible asset to the ICC. I had not previously had the chance to work with these fine teachers, and now I am seeing first hand their exceptional abilities and their dedication and commitment to their choirs, and to the ICC. Our regional choirs are truly gifts to students in neighboring counties. These singers work with incredible directors in their hometowns who consistently enrich and fulfill their music education and vocal development. Central Indiana is privileged to be able offer such an extensive and enjoyable opportunity for young singers! I look forward to the year ahead as I continue to discover and learn.

To find a regional choir in your area, click here!

Amy Hoffman Hughley joined the ICC’s artistic staff in the fall of 2014 as the director of Bella Voce, the ICC’s all-female, high school-age choir. In the summer of 2015, she began her role as Regional Program Coordinator. She is also a private piano instructor, and taught choral muic at Riverwood High School in Atlanta, GA from 2002 to 2012. Mrs. Hughley has a Masters of Music Education from The University of Georgia as well as Bachelor of Music degrees in Music Education and Piano Pedagogy from Westminster Choir College in Princeton, NJ.

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