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A Message from Mrs. Hughley

Dear BV Families,

There is less than one week until our first rehearsal, and I am so excited to see you all!

Our first rehearsal is a bit different from most. We will begin by singing and making some official introductions, but I do like to take about an hour of the first rehearsal to meet briefly with each singer.

During that hour while you wait for your turn, you will have some information to complete, so please bring a pencil with you, as well as a bottle of water. Everything else (folders, music, etc.) will be provided.

You will have the opportunity to meet two very important people at our first rehearsal, but I wanted to give you a heads up now:

  1. We are happy to have Mrs. Michelle Jarvis as our choir coordinator this year. She will be at the attendance table, so please introduce yourself when you sign in!
  2. Our very own Ray Lahrman could not continue as BV accompanist this year due to his packed schedule (yes, I too am distraught). We will see Mr. Lahrman, however, a few times this year, as he will be subbing for a couple of rehearsals and accompanying us for our November Sweet Melodies concert! We do have a wonderful new accompanist, Mr. Paulo Castro. Please say hello to him on Sunday and welcome him to the BV family!

That’s it for now. Please remember to bring your pencil and bottle of water, and I look forward to seeing you all this Sunday. Also, it’s best to arrive about ten minutes early if possible so you have a chance to sign in, retrieve folders and music, and say your hellos.

See you soon!

Mrs. Hughley

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