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We are less than two weeks away from another incredible performance! As you wade through the countless end of semester high school deadlines and events, try to encourage the girls to find a quiet space and listen to our Angels Sing music online. I consider it great therapy to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the holiday and find time to listen to music.

Here are few updates:

  1. Next week, I will be ending rehearsal at 4:20 and extending our time until 5:00 pm, so that the girls can have a much needed cupcake party before the end of the semester. It is not mandatory for each singer to stay until 5, but certainly all are welcome and encouraged to do so!
  2. Those that are singing the small group chant will meet at 1:45 again to polish.
  3. As we approach our biggest week of the year, please be mindful of performance guidelines: detail sheets for each day of Angels Sing are online, as well as a BV Performance Guideline document that reviews hair, make up and uniform policies as listed in the handbook. I will be reviewing and distributing these guidelines at the beginning of rehearsal next week.
  4. Tour: Please consider going on this inexpensive, wonderful opportunity for these singers to learn, grow and bond! Thus far, not enough singers have committed in order to have a representative group. All singers need to submit a response of Yes or No using the commitment form online. I truly hope this opportunity can happen this year!
  5. Secret Snowflake Exchange: As per BV last year, the BV girls are exchanging 3 inexpensive gifts during Angels Sing week, beginning on Wednesday’s dress rehearsal, then on Friday evening and ending on Saturday evening. The total cost for all three gifts combined is limited to $15. Scholarships have been offered to those who need financial aid in order to make certain all girls are included. Homemade gifts are also encouraged. Each girl has been given a random peer’s Snowflake form, complete with questions about favorite colors, candy bars, music, etc to have gift ideas. If your daughter has not yet chosen her peer’s Snowflake form due to absence, please have her see me on Sunday. I have three names left.

Hopefully you are hearing some singing at home in different parts of your houses, as all parts are posted online to aid in review and learning. Tis the season to listen, practice, and connect with our beautiful music!

Mrs. Hughley

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