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What a great retreat!

Hello BC!

Wow! What a weekend! I hope that you had a fun time at retreat. I know I did. I think we accomplished a lot together. I am sitting here tonight reading all of your letters. They are really helping me get to know you and how we can make great music as a community.

For Wednesday please work on:

Adiemus: Review and memorize all that we have worked on

Stand Together: Clean up your part and begin memorizing

Birch Tree: Review the Russian and your part for the entire piece. Listen to the recording.

Night: Review and clean the entire piece

Pie Jesu: Mmemorize

Remember that we don’t have rehearsal tomorrow! You get the night off. I hope you are excited about this year. I know I am. Also a big thank you to the BC leadership team! You rock!!

See you at rehearsal!

Mr. Pedde

Reminder: Bel Canto theory accounts are not yet active. We are waiting on the company to activate all of the new Bel Canto accounts. As Mrs. Southard mentioned at retreat, she will send singers an email when the accounts are active. Thank you to those singers who are so motivated to start working on their theory!

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This is a followup article on workarounds for some more problems that iphone users are facing after upgrading to the latest firmware.
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