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Wednesday’s rehearsal

Greetings BC!

Another week of rehearsals has come and gone… Hard to believe that we have been a choir for almost a month now and look at all the progress we have made. As I said to you last night, I will begin to transition away from the Music of the Night repertoire and begin to work on other things. The reason is that sometimes leaving a piece of music and then coming back to it, only helps make it better. However, you must continue to practice it on your own.

We had a great leadership meeting last night and your leadership team has some wonderful things planned for you in the coming weeks!

For Monday, please work on the following:

Pie Jesu: Again a quick review.

Adiemus: Please remember the line “aria natus late adua.” We keep missing that. Also, back row, solo line. Please review your entire solo line.

Birch Tree: Please continue to speak through ALL of the Russian and continue your work on cleaning your part on  pages 7, 8, and 9. Remember, this is the folk music of the Russian people. It means so much to them to hear this music sung. You must sing it with passion and the pride of the Russian people.

Night: Please clean page 11!

Song of the Stars:Please review pages 4 and 6 and have memorized by Monday.

O Fortuna: Speak through the text of the entire song. Please review you part for the entire song, especially the opening page.

Arruru: Please review this piece and be ready to sing on Monday

Hine ma tov: Please have memorized

I am proud of each and everyone of you and the work you are doing! Each of you brings a special gift to this ensemble that helps make it sound unique. Keep up the great work! If you do, the possibilities are endless!

On Monday, please come up to me and say, “wanna buy a duck?”

Have a great weekend with your families!!

Mr. Pedde

For example there are therapists, teachers and individual aides.

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