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Thank you!

Dear Bel Canto Singers and Families,

This will be my final post for the 2014 year! I want to begin this post by thanking you for everything you have done this semester, and especially this past month. You have gone above and beyond. I was speaking with a parent last night and she said that this schedule was not what they had expected when they registered this year. I have to say, I was not expecting this schedule either… However, we have made it through and in two days we have a very well deserved three week holiday break!

The music has been learned, the notes perfected, and the dress rehearsal and TV taping behind us. Now it is time to perform these pieces that we have worked so long and hard on for a live audience! It is time to share our joy and love of music with them.

I know that over the past week it has been easy to lose sight of why we do what we do. We have all been stressed to the max, battling sickness, and just plain tired. But let us not lose sight of the simple fact that we LOVE to sing and we LOVE being together as a family!

I cannot wait to share what we have to offer with the audiences this weekend!

I also want to let you know that the Channel 13 crew LOVED While Shepherds Watched and would like to include it in the program!!!! BRAVO!!!!

This Holiday season, I would like to offer each of you this blessing that we sing on Christmas Eve:

May the Joy of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, the worship of the wisemen
and the peace of the Christ child be yours, be yours this Christmas. May Christ, who by
his incarnation gathered into one all things earthly, all things heavenly, and fill you with
joy and peace. And the blessing of God the Father and the Son and the holy Spirit be
with you and remain with you always, with you always, and remain with you always!

All my best!

Mr. Pedde

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