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Concert Choir Rehearsal Update

Notes from Mrs. Dwyer

  1. Bravo! Concert Choir glowed with leadership skills and gave a wonderful Art Fest performance.
  2. Be sure to order your dress uniform. It can take up to 6 weeks to receive your uniform!

Dates to Remember

  1. NEW! Thursday, October 1st – Columbus East Women’s Soccer National Anthem
  2. Saturday, October 24th – Hoosier Hills Choral Festival
  3. Saturday, December 5th – ArtsGarden
  4. Friday, December 11th – Dress Rehearsal with CIP
  5. Sunday, December 13th – Performance with CIP
  6. Saturday, April 2nd – CICC 20th Anniversary Performance with CIP
  7. Saturday, April 30th – ICC 30th Anniversary Performance at Clowes Memorial Hall
  8. June 6th-11th – CICC Choral Festival & Graduation

Click here for a PDF containing these dates!

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