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A Note From A Current Singer

A Note from a Current Singer

578a4f0a-416b-4af9-b4ad-0e5d2705c608A Note from a Current Singer

Veteran ICC singer, Noah Boehm, shares his thoughts on the ICC and joining.

On starting out in the ICC

I first found out about ICC when I was living in upstate New York as a third grader. My dad was trying to convince me it would be good to move to Indianapolis, and he told me about the choir in an attempt to win me over. Once I moved, I went into fourth grade and had Mr. Pedde as my music teacher, and he gave me the information for joining the choir. I have sung in the Zionsville Regional Choir, Chamber, Bel Canto, Cantantes Angeli for three years, and I will be starting in IYC this year.

Favorite things about being in the choir

My favorite thing about the ICC would have to be the great friendships I have made with people all around the Indianapolis area. I have friends from ICC that I would have never met otherwise. These friendships last because we are all bonded through our common love of singing. My favorite memory is the sound check for the National Anthem at the Super Bowl, when the sound people started playing our voice-overs with Kelly Clarkson’s singing. It gave me chills.

Advice for kids thinking about joining

I would tell someone who is thinking about joining the ICC that the audition is not scary and that the directors want you to do well in the audition. I was petrified when I auditioned my first time, so I think this advice is very valuable.

What keeps me coming back

My friendships and my love of creating music bring me back each year. Even though it takes up so much of my time, I wouldn’t trade my time spent with the ICC for the world.

Want to find out more about joining the ICC? Click here for more information.

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