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Why I keep coming back.

haleyh-01by Haley Hilliard, ICC singer

I first started singing in the ICC back in 2011, and I’ve loved it ever since.

I’ve always loved school choir and one day my middle school music teacher passed out flyers for the organization, and I thought I’d give it a try. I started out in Avon regional choir, then as the years went by I advanced to Octavo, Kantorei, and Bel Canto. I’m now happy to say I’ve made it to Bella Voce, which I’m very excited about!

I’ve been lucky enough to go touring with the ICC, and it was definitely an amazing experience! While I was in Kantorei, I toured with Mrs. Dwyer and CICC to Denver for 2 weeks. I’ve never had more fun then I did on that tour. We got to sing at Mount Rushmore, visit the Corn Palace, play in the snow in the Rocky Mountains in July, and be a part of a wonderful choral festival with other choirs around the country and Canada!

However, Angels Sing weekend has to be my favorite part of the season. It’s always filled with excitement and it shows everyone how hard we work to become the best we can possibly be! With enough dedication and passion we all have for singing, I know the performances will always turn out great.

I think the reason I keep coming back to the ICC would be the wonderful friends I’ve made from it. The ICC is a safe place for me, and I feel like I can be myself around everyone. They all just feel like family to me. I’m my happiest when I’m at rehearsal or a performance. I can’t thank the ICC enough for all the wonderful experiences & opportunities I’ve had with them!


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