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Update on FIDO and Indy Do Day

As part of Indy Do Day–a  city-wide day of service in Indianapolis that will take place October 2nd through 4th–the three Dwyer Choirs of Kantorei, Lyric, and Chamber will be participating in a dog and cat food drive for the nonprofit known as FIDO, serving pets and pet owners in need.

Singers are encouraged to bring a bag of dry dog or cat food and give it to their choir coordinator when they sign in prior to rehearsal.

Update on FIDO
FIDO, or Friends of Indianapolis Dogs Outside, has just suffered a minor setback and needs your help! Recently, two of their sources for donated food announced they will no longer be able to help supply FIDO with dog and cat food. FIDO distributes around 9000 pounds of food each month, and these two sources represent a significant part of this food.

They are now-more than ever-in need of dry medium-grade dog and cat food (such as Friskies, Meow Mix, Purina dog and cat chow, and Pedigree) to continue their current distribution levels.

Please help FIDO out by donating for Indy Do Day!

In fact, reducing para-professional support is advantageous in order for the student to become an independent adult.
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