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Teacher Advisory Board (TAB)

The ICC created TAB in 2008 as a collaboration of area music educators, active community leaders and the ICC artistic staff, all engaged in bringing choral music experiences to a broader population of children in Central Indiana.  The Teacher Advisory Board is also invested in supporting Central Indiana music teachers through assisting the ICC in hosting music teacher networking events and professional development.  TAB builds community and breaks down barriers through commitment to The Four Pillars of the ICC:  Artistry, Community, Education and Excellence.


The TAB will meet approximately 4 times per year, and communicate according to what suits this busy group of active professionals – zoom, in-person, and email.  Time commitment will be kept to a minimum, but we are looking to make a maximum impact – to truly serve as ambassadors of the mission of the ICC and building of community throughout Central Indiana.  There will be small gifts for those involved in the TAB, including free ICC concert tickets, free subscription to ICC’s Teacher Resource Library of videos hosted on YouTube, reduced cost ICC professional development, and recognition in the ICC season program.  Members of TAB who are parents or guardians will receive 10% discounted ICC tuition for children of their own.


To join the ICC Teacher Advisory Board, please reach out to Lauren Southard or Amy Hughley directly.

TAB Events

Come together to connect and collaborate with fellow music educators at an ICC event. We offer the Teacher Advisory Board and also several opportunities to come together for networking/social events. Upcoming events include:

Learn More About ICC Choirs and Programs

The Indianapolis Children’s Choir offers programs for children and youth starting from 18 months old through 12th grade.

Every week, young people from all over central Indiana join together as members of the Indianapolis Children’s Choir to pursue their shared love of singing and music! There are many reasons why singers join the ICC, but many join for the fun, friendships, and experiences the ICC offers.

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