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Spring Update

Prep classes along with our Octavo/Treble choir will sing an end of the year performance on May 3, 2015, at

Carmel Lutheran Church
4850 East Main Street
Carmel, Indiana 46033

The performance time is 4:00pm.

Singers should arrive at 2:15pm wearing their bright orange preparatory shirt and blue jeans. If you joined second semester and do not have your shirt, please let your director know asap. A detail sheet will soon be available giving you all the information about this performance.

The ICC will have plenty of staff available to work with your singers and ensure their safety prior to the concert. We will meet your singer in the lobby and staff members will escort them to their assigned rooms and teacher. Our dress rehearsals are closed; we ask you to drop off your singer and come back to join us for the concert, the doors open at 3:30 with the concert at 4:00pm. There are several restaurants and coffee shops in the area where you can comfortably wait.

Click here for a printable detail sheet.

End of Year Vocal Assessment
Each year, every singer in the ICC has a vocal assessment for placement the following season. For most of our prep singers the assessment takes place the last rehearsal of the semester. Singers finishing their second year of regional prep are eligible for an assessment to enter a regional choir in their area. Those going into 4th grade are eligible for a vocal assessment for placement in any auditioned choir in the fall. Watch for additional information from your director.

The Preparatory Season ends with the concert on May 3, 2015. There are no rehearsals after May 3rd.

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