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May 27, 2014

Hello, CA! How are you all?

These notes are specifically for singers going to Austria and Germany.  Ave Verum Corpus, Gloria in “Massin F”, and Laudate Dominum must be learned and memorized for Monday, June 2. Especially Basses and Tenors, look over your parts and practice.

Laudate Dominum– everyone work on m25, sopranos and altos: m13-24, tenors: 99-102, 72-73. Everyone comes in at m42.

Liechtes Blut– pg7, pg11. THESE ARE ALL GERMAN PRONUNCIATION SPOTS. THERE IS A RECORDING ON THE WEBSITE TO HELP YOU WITH THE PRONUNCIATION. PLEASE LOOK AT THESE. M17, 18,20, 31, 35, 41, 49, 55, 63, 69, 71, 75, 79, 83, 86, 93, 97-98. Reminder: only doing the first verse of German.

I Am His Child– B’s: don’t push at m21. This is a gospel piece, so refrain from “t”‘s and “d”‘s. The diction in this song needs to be soft

Laudate Pueri– Altos: regularly, your part is a little bit earlier then the mezzos and sopranos, so please watch that carefully (m65, 69, 177, 204). Everyone please work on pg 16 (especially m115-117).B’s: 222-223, and A’s: 240-242.

We only have three more rehearsals left, so please, take the initiative to learn this music on your own.

On your own, also begin to look up interesting things about Vienna and Salzburg.

Have a great day! P.S. Graduates, we have a rehearsal in room 133 from 6:45-7:15 on Wednesday! Also, it’s not too late to turn in money for the end of the year gift.


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