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Italy Tour Updates

Drop-Off Change

Due to a 24-hour bicycle race occurring on Butler’s campus, Lilly Hall, Clowes Memorial Hall, and Hinkle Fieldhouse will be inaccessible tomorrow. Buses will be instructed to pick up singers at Schwitzer Hall.

Road closures will also restrict access to the parking lot behind Schwitzer Hall. Please enter via Michigan Road to 42nd Street.

Click here for a link to Google Maps of Schwitzer Hall.The parking lot is located behind the dorm.

Click here for a link to the Butler University Parking Map. The Schwitzer parking lot is lot numbers 8 and 9.

Packing List Update

The black casual uniform pants were omitted from the packing list. Due to conflicting information received, please be certain to bring them as they may be required for entrance to the Vatican.

Information for Chaperones

If you are chaperoning this trip, Butler University Police have requested you leave your car in the parking lot behind Schwitzer (marked as “B Permit” parking). To avoid ticketing or towing while on tour, all chaperones must display signage identifying their car as an ICC chaperone vehicle.

Click here for the sign to properly identify your car.Please print this and display it in your dashboard while it is parked in the Schwitzer Lot.

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