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Joy Juice and Endorphin Soup

The Jordans are a family of artists. I interviewed Carrie-Ann Jordan, who is a “triple threat” of singing, dancing, and acting. Her husband is a pianist and photographer, while their son plays percussion and drums. Last but not least, there’s Iris who sings with the ICC. The Jordans are wonderfully unique in their deep, collective love for the arts.

Iris got started with the ICC in 5th grade, when a private voice coach noticed her extraordinary talent. Carrie-Ann said that while their school district offers strong arts programming, it can leave some students hungry for more. Iris craved a challenge, and wanted to feel like the time she spent rehearsing was worth it. Carrie-Ann told me that Iris’s high aptitude for music needed to be “nurtured, cultivated, and developed” and that enrolling her daughter in the ICC was “one of the best decisions their family ever made.”

The ICC’s professional sounding choir and diverse musical repertoire have strengthened Iris’s skills in collaboration, confidence, patience, discipline, and discernment. Iris can discern between peers who are distracting, and friends who will help her grow. She’s learned that misbehavior from a few people can hinder the entire group- a lesson that will transcend into adulthood.

A large part of what makes the ICC so impactful for this family is Iris’s ongoing medical condition. Coordinating medical obligations around concerts and rehearsals has not always been easy, “but it’s been a bright spot in an ongoing cloudy day”, Carrie-Ann said. As a mother, that means the world.

As a chaperone, Carrie-Ann has observed how the ICC can be a safe haven for children who don’t necessarily have the most stable living situation. There are many children whose parents have never seen them sing, for example. She feels fortunate to watch these same kids realize how incredibly capable they are. To my delight, she compared this volunteerism to “endorphin soup.”

As we discussed “art”, Carrie-Ann reflected on the magic of creating something meaningful that resonates with observers. She said that in today’s world, people rarely witness truly “magnificent” things. There’s an expectation of satisfaction, but not necessarily for extraordinary material. To be in a setting where creation is “palpable and tangible” means everything to her family. In conclusion, Carrie-Ann knows that Iris leaves the ICC feeling enriched and happy. She said, “I can rely on the ICC to be like Joy Juice”.


by Emma Ahlert

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