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CA sings with Julianna Barwick

julianna-barwick-jody-rogacRecently, members of the ICC’s Cantantes Angeli had the opportunity to experience the work of the emerging new composer, Julianna Barwick first- hand.  On January 26, CA performed in concert with her at Hilbert Circle Theatre.  During a rehearsal, Julianna took time to share with the singers about her creative process. She creates a loop of her voice or an instrument, records it and then layers one sound upon another until she creates what many call “new age music”.  Mr. Leck and the CA singers learned about the use of a “looping station” in the creative process.  The interface between the voice and technology is central to Julianna Barwick’s art.  A Louisiana-born, Brooklyn-based singer makes music whose raw material is almost exclusively her voice in repeated patterns layered on top of one another.  When she records, Barwick layers and processes and twists her utterances into figures that can alternatively be described as familiar, soothing, alien, and tense. To hear a bit of an ICC rehearsal with her, go to

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