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The Indianapolis Children’s Choir is governed by a community-based Board of Directors. The Board of Directors oversees the business affairs of the Choir and is responsible for organizational growth in all facets.

Amber Denney, President
Director of Media Relations, Strada Education Foundation

Pat Trowers-Johnson, Vice President
Retired Marketing Executive, Eli Lilly & Company

Holly Reay, Treasurer
Finance Director, Cornerstone Lutheran Church

Jim Obermaier, Immediate Past President
Chief Operating Officer, Department of Child Services, State of Indiana

Patrick Broccolo, Chair – Nominating Committee
Owner, Senior1Care

Erin Mayer, ICCPA Representative
Teacher, Carmel Clay Schools

Abbie Hunter, ICCAA Representative
Teacher, Danville Schools

Joseph Cookston, Ph.D., AACC/YC Representative
Director, Church of God Ministries
Professor, Warner University

Brad Arthur
Retired Executive, Eli Lilly & Company

Jeff Mortier
Member, Frost Brown Todd LLC

Timothy J. White
Retired Electrical Engineer, Indianapolis Power & Light Co.

Eric Harton
Vice President & CFO, Institute for Study Abroad

Debbie Johnson
Sr. HR Consultant

Joshua Pedde
Artistic Director, Indianapolis Children’s Choir

Judie Conley
Executive Career Mentor, College of Business at Butler University
Attorney at Law

Christy Cutsinger
F.C. Tucker Real Estate

William Batt, Assistant Treasurer
Ex-Officio Member
Retired Executive Vice President, First of America Bank, now owned by PNC

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