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A Note from Mrs. Garcia

I want to say how extremely proud I was last night of the students. The Franklin singers were great hosts and showed great leadership skills. Mrs. Dwyer complimented multiple times last night. I was thrilled to see the kids take such pride in all the work they have done and are doing. CONGRATS to them!! As a result of their hospitality and leadership we had 4 additional kids interested in joining our choir. This was a success!

Next week, continue to invite friends and neighbors to check out our choir. I will continue to reward both the singer and the friend for coming.

Just to note a few dates to keep in your calendar:

  1. Hoosier Hills Choral Festival on October 24th 9:30-5:15pm is at North Christian Church in Columbus, Indiana. Click here for the event listing with more information.
  2. Franklin Tree Lighting on December 5th on North Main Stage at 7pm.  This will be just our choir! It will be a great opportunity for us to sing in our own community!

Thank you all for your support and dedication to our choir. Please continue talking to friends, church members and any family members who love to sing. We would love them to come and join our choir.
Have a great rest of the week!

Melissa Garcia

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