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A Message from Mrs. Dwyer

Dear Parents and Singers,

Please take note of the following dates:

Important Message from Mrs. Dwyer
Nutcracker: Singers received their Nutcracker performance packet at rehearsal this week.  This packet includes:

  • Assigned dress rehearsal dates
  • Assigned performance dates
  • Drop off and pick up information (please read the details)
  • Phone numbers of other singers so you can get a substitute in case of emergency
  • Uniform information
  • Room assignments
  • Extra performance – volunteer form
  • Voucher for one (1) ticket and voucher use information

Did You Know
Memory research has proven that when you review new information within 120 minutes of the learning process; you are more likely to retain 80% of the new subject the next day.  Those who do not review generally retain much less.  Musicians know that you must review your music at least 3 times a week in order to develop and keep your skills working at the highest level.

It is very important that you help your singer memorize the following songs for our next rehearsal.  Singers received word sheets at rehearsal. Word sheets may also be found on line.

  • Still, Still, Still
  • On Christmas Night
  • Joy to the World (3 verses)
  • Winter Wonderland
  • Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
  • Jingle Bells (2 verses)

Mrs. Dwyer

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