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Dear Bella Voce families,

We had another extremely productive rehearsal on Sunday! Thanks for your hard work and dedication.

Here are some important notes:

  1. Memorize all three BV pieces next week. Your individual parts are posted online for easy practice. Listen and memorize when you have some time to yourselves over Thanksgiving!
  2. December 6 performance: details are online. This far, we only have 19 committed singers, and we need several more to make this a productive pre-performance for Angels Sing. Please check your schedules and determine your availability if you have not done so already. I will take a final head count next week.
  3. Tour commitment forms are due December 1. It is economical and will be such a great experience! We will also have a fundraiser opportunity in January to help raise funds individually.
  4. Small group auditions: if you were unable to stay this week, we will hold make up auditions this coming Sunday, November 30 at 1:40. Those who auditioned last week should also plan on attending.

This Thanksgiving, I will reflect on how grateful I am to be your director every week. Thank YOU for being a part of this amazing group we call Bella Voce.


Mrs. Hughley

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